Bhawani Mandi Station, Madhya PradeshTrains From & To Bhawani Mandi Mr. Kailash chand Vyas samaj sevi
Find information about the Bhawani Mandi Madhya Pradesh. If you are going to planning travel Bhawani Mandi by train, the information about Bhawani Mandi, nearest nearest airport to Bhawani Mandi, Kailash Chandra Vyas Pur sarpand near Bhawani mandi Mr. Kailash chand Vyas in samaj sevi in bhawani mandi area Mr. vyas in many social work in bhawani mandi area.
Bhawanimandi is a city and a municipality in Jhalawar district in the state of Rajasthan, India.
Here railway station is divided between two states, viz. Madhya Pradesh and Rajsthan. Northern part of the platform is in Mandsaur district of Madhya Pradesh and the southern part of it is in Jhalawar district of Rajasthan. It is a border town of Rajasthan. There have been many incidents where criminals took advantages of its location.
The city is a famous mandi (market) for orange & agriculture crops. The various kind of green Vegetables are quite cheap here. Bhawanimandi and surrounding rural belt have got huge orchards and fields of oranges that’s why it’s called as “The Orange City”. The speciality about orange trees is that each tree gets two crops in one year i.e. summer & winter crop on same tree in different season. The Bhawanimandi & surrounding rural belt got proud of achieving second rank in orange production in India after Nagpur. The founder of orange business in Bhawanimandi Late Shri Abdul Haleem Choudhary, had been awarded by President of India with title ” Udhdhyaan krishi Pandit” in 1971. The award was conveyed by that time PWD minister Nawab Ameenuddin Lohaaru. Late Shri Abdul Haleem Choudhary, was the beginner of orange plantation and he educated hundreds of farmers about farming of oranges and result is that now Bhawanimandi has been established as ” The Orange-City”.
This town has got privilege of having many ” Son of Soil” and they establish themselves in their respective fields on the top ranks in India & Abroad. The Lord Gulam Noon, a London based philanthropist, a native of Bhawanimandi, is a widely known as ” The Curry King” in UK. He has established various food business in UK, namely Noon-Products & The Bombay Halwa. The Lord Noon has established a multi speciality hospital in Bhawanimandi ” Noon Hospital & Research centre” in 2008 and since inception it’s working mainly on charitable basis. The Noon hospital has been awarded by Govt of Rajasthan for serving huminity in 2011 in the leadership of Dr.G. Altaf Hussain Choudhary.
This town was established by Shri Bhawani Singh, ruler of jhalawar state in 1911 when the railway passed through this state. The town passes through lots of development when some of the richest families of the region were invited to come and settle here. This turned the ancient garrison into a bustling town and soon it became the principal market town of the south-east region. Not only did the economy boom, Jhalawar also became the first Indian town to have a municipality. This was quite an exceptional characteristic in area that was still in a completely feudal land.
The state patronized music and drama in the early years and the presence of Bhawani Natyashala, a reputed theatre in those times, bears testimony to this fact. Renowned ballet performer the late Uday Shankar hailed from the court of Jhalawar.
Several government offices today occupy the Garh Palace in the centre of the town; the frescoes in many chambers are still impressive.
A relaxed town, Jhalawar is worth a day trip from Kota. Ironically though, the region has too many attractions to be covered in a day trip.
The princely state of the Jhalas, Jhalawar was created in 1838 A.D., after being separated from Kota by the British.Then They Created Bhawani Mandi. Remarkable contributions from various rulers including Zalim Singh I made it a culturally rich state. Lying in the southeastern region of Rajasthan at the edge of the Malwa plateau, Jhalawar has a rocky but water-laden fertile landscape, unlike much of Rajasthan. With some exquisite pre-historic cave paintings, massive forts, thickly wooded forests and exotic wildlife variety, Jhalawar boasts of rich historic as well as natural wealth. One can spot countless species of birds as one drives past the lush countryside. Red poppy fields and orange laden orchards make the countryside all the more fascinating and colourful during winters. Bhawani Mandi has become a main market for the villages around and has developed a lot over the years due to railway connectivity and growing number of Kota Stone factories as huge number of mines of kota stone have taken place in surrounding area.
The area around Bhawani Mandi is known for contributing a major share to the production of citrus in the country.
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